Fenelon Arts Committee

Rain Garden View

Rain Garden View

Established in 2018, the Fenelon Arts Committee (FAC) identifies opportunities for artists, strategizes on arts initiatives, and works to increase public access and engagement with art in the village of Fenelon Falls. The committee is made up of dedicated residents who share a common vision and passion for art and their community.

The Fenelon Arts Committee (FAC) has invited expressions of interest from artists or teams of artists to design and install two (2) sculptures in the Rain Garden, located on the south side of the Fenelon Museum property (Maryboro Lodge: The Fenelon Museum), to be on permanent display as public art. Over twenty submissions were received and a shortlist of five is being selected.  From this group two sculptures will be commissioned to be mounted on large limestone base rocks already in place.

All inquiries and submissions should be directed to:

Fenelon Arts Committee
Attention: Darcie Kennedy
Website:  www.fenelonarts.com